class |
ArrayType |
\class ArrayType
\brief Class ArrayType inherits from DataType and provides wrappers for
the HDF5's Array Datatypes.
class |
AtomType |
\class AtomType
\brief AtomType is a base class, inherited by IntType, FloatType,
StrType, and PredType.
class |
CompType |
\class CompType
\brief CompType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5
compound datatypes.
class |
DataSet |
\class DataSet
\brief Class DataSet operates on HDF5 datasets.
class |
DataSpace |
\class DataSpace
\brief Class DataSpace inherits from IdComponent and provides wrappers for
the HDF5's dataspaces.
class |
DataType |
\class DataType
\brief Class DataType provides generic operations on HDF5 datatypes.
class |
DSetAccPropList |
\class DSetAccPropList
\brief Class DSetAccPropList inherits from LinkAccPropList and provides
wrappers for the HDF5 dataset access property functions.
class |
DSetCreatPropList |
\class DSetCreatPropList
\brief Class DSetCreatPropList inherits from ObjCreatPropList and provides
wrappers for the HDF5 dataset creation property functions.
class |
DSetMemXferPropList |
\class DSetMemXferPropList
\brief Class DSetCreatPropList inherits from PropList and provides
wrappers for the HDF5 dataset memory and transfer property list.
class |
EnumType |
\class EnumType
\brief EnumType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5
enum datatypes.
class |
FileAccPropList |
\class FileAccPropList
\brief Class FileAccPropList inherits from PropList and provides
wrappers for the HDF5 file access property list.
class |
FileCreatPropList |
\class FileCreatPropList
\brief Class FileCreatPropList inherits from PropList and provides
wrappers for the HDF5 file create property list.
class |
FloatType |
\class FloatType
\brief FloatType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5
floating point datatype.
class |
Group |
\class Group
\brief Class Group represents an HDF5 group.
class |
H5File |
\class H5File
\brief Class H5File represents an HDF5 file and inherits from class Group
as file is a root group.
class |
H5Location |
\class H5Location
\brief H5Location is an abstract base class, added in version 1.8.12.
class |
H5Object |
class |
IntType |
\class IntType
\brief IntType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5
integer datatype.
class |
LinkAccPropList |
\class LinkAccPropList
\brief Class LinkAccPropList inherits from PropList and provides
wrappers for the HDF5 link access property list.
class |
LinkCreatPropList |
\class LinkCreatPropList
\brief Class LinkCreatPropList inherits from PropList and provides
wrappers for the HDF5 link creation property list.
class |
ObjCreatPropList |
\class ObjCreatPropList
\brief Class ObjCreatPropList inherits from PropList and provides
wrappers for the HDF5 object create property list.
class |
PredType |
\class PredType
\brief Class PredType holds the definition of all the HDF5 predefined
class |
PropList |
\class PropList
\brief Class PropList inherits from IdComponent and provides wrappers for
the HDF5 generic property list.
class |
StrType |
\class StrType
\brief StrType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5
string datatype.
class |
VarLenType |
\class VarLenType
\brief VarLenType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5
Variable-length Datatypes.